Writer's Haven > Publisher's Office [Public]
Lamenting the end of KDP and Kobo reports
Bill Hiatt:
I was a fan of the old system, but I've grown accustomed to the new.
I like the old reports, I ignore most of the new stuff, especially that "estimated" royalties. That one has gotten some noobs all excited about how much money they'll be making, and it turns out it isn't all that accurate for them. Oh, well. They'll learn. Or not.
--- Quote from: She-la-te-da on December 23, 2024, 07:30:41 AM ---I like the old reports, I ignore most of the new stuff, especially that "estimated" royalties. That one has gotten some noobs all excited about how much money they'll be making, and it turns out it isn't all that accurate for them. Oh, well. They'll learn. Or not.
--- End quote ---
I find the KDP estimated is within a dollar of what bookreport reports. It's pretty accurate. The only variation you could expect is if the KU rate changes a lot for that month.
I didn't know about the change. I've been using Liam's Book Report for so long I forget there's even another way to look at KDP reports.
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