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The Abyss in theaters


Jeff Tanyard:
The James Cameron classic The Abyss is coming to theaters soon.   :cool:

It's a one-day event: December 6th.

I saw the movie in the theater back during its original run in 1989.  I was just a teenage kid at the time, but the movie stuck with me.  I particularly remember the CPR scene and the rat-in-the-fluid scene.  And, of course, we were all wowed by the CGI water column, a groundbreaking technical achievement at the time.

If you haven't seen the movie before, I recommend it, and here's your chance to see it in style.

Got the extended edition DVD, but it's in my 'waiting for 4K' section.

Last time I checked, it wasn't available to buy anymore, which for that time, is quite common now.

One of my favorite movies. The novelization was particularly good imo and I used to read it along with the movie. It really made the villain's story so much better and filled in a lot of backstory for Lindsey and Bud.

Underrated movie. And production was apparently hell.


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