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The Taco Bell litmag


Couldn’t resist posting:

“Taco Bell Quarterly is the literary magazine for the Taco Bell Arts and Letters. We’re a reaction against everything. The gatekeepers. The taste-makers. The hipsters. Health food. Artists Who Wear Cute Scarves. Bitch-ass Wendy’s. We seek to demystify what it means to be literary, artistic, important, and elite. We welcome writers and artists of all merit, whether you’re published in The Paris Review, rejected from The Paris Review, or DGAF what The Paris Review is.  First and foremost, TBQ is about great writing. It’s about provoking and existing among the white noise of capitalism. We embrace the spectrum of trash to brilliance....”

Try “Upon getting bored of Nietzsche and birdwatching in the Taco Bell drive thru”



Funny. Their tweets are a hoot, too.

Ah, the rarefied air of the world of The Paris Review. DGAF.

Jeff Tanyard:


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