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So, yesterday, in the mail, I get a "Notice of Unclaimed Property" with a thing I need to sign to claim the money (which is less than I show they actually owe me) or they'll send it to my state and then I'll have to file with the state to get the money.

Okay, so because I was busy with a lot of other stuff at the time, I never did get around to filling out the stupid form which means Amazon sent it to my state which means now I have to go through whatever process with the state to get that money.

Meanwhile, yesterday in the mail, I got a 1099 from Amazon for the money I haven't actually gotten because it was paid to my state and not me, which means I get to pay taxes on money I don't even have.

And I can imagine that, if I manage to get the money from my state, the state will turn around and hit me with a 1099 on it for this year, which will likely mean I'll end up paying taxes on the money twice.  That's my guess anyway.

I so hate Amazon.
Marketing Loft [Public] / Intersting Primer
« Last post by R. C. on February 05, 2025, 03:19:21 AM »
I'm not sure where this belongs, the Marketing forum seemed correct.

This video contains a lot of information, some of which could be redundant for many. However, I did learn a few things from the presentation and decided to share it.

Oh, him.  Okay.  That one's been out so long I'd forgotten about it already.
The 'blurbs' they are referring to are what I would call 'recommendations/reviews' from fellow authors.  :icon_rolleyes:

Lots of blurbs for other authors were written by a famous author who is currently mired in sex-crime allegations and is being canceled across the board, so I wouldn't be surprised if this policy change was sparked by that brouhaha.  The timing is a bit too coincidental.

Hadn't heard about that  :icon_rolleyes:


Is this author famous the way d-list has-beens are considered dancing stars?  :hehe
Small Businesses Ask Court to Reject Corporate Transparency Act in Amicus Brief
The case challenges the beneficial ownership reporting requirements for small businesses
NFIB   January 30, 2025

The National Federation of Independent Business argues for Congress?s passage of "the Repealing Big Brother Overreach Act, legislation that would repeal the CTA and permanently relieve small businesses of the beneficial ownership information reporting requirements."
The 'blurbs' they are referring to are what I would call 'recommendations/reviews' from fellow authors.  :icon_rolleyes:

Lots of blurbs for other authors were written by a famous author who is currently mired in sex-crime allegations and is being canceled across the board, so I wouldn't be surprised if this policy change was sparked by that brouhaha.  The timing is a bit too coincidental.

Hadn't heard about that  :icon_rolleyes:


Is this author famous the way d-list has-beens are considered dancing stars?  :hehe
The 'blurbs' they are referring to are what I would call 'recommendations/reviews' from fellow authors.  :icon_rolleyes:

Lots of blurbs for other authors were written by a famous author who is currently mired in sex-crime allegations and is being canceled across the board, so I wouldn't be surprised if this policy change was sparked by that brouhaha.  The timing is a bit too coincidental.

Hadn't heard about that  :icon_rolleyes:
The 'blurbs' they are referring to are what I would call 'recommendations/reviews' from fellow authors.  :icon_rolleyes:

Lots of blurbs for other authors were written by a famous author who is currently mired in sex-crime allegations and is being canceled across the board, so I wouldn't be surprised if this policy change was sparked by that brouhaha.  The timing is a bit too coincidental.
Interesting article. "It takes a lot of time to produce great books, and trying to get blurbs is not a good use of anyone?s time."

Sure. The way I see it, a publisher is a writer's marketer. It should be the publisher's job to provide marketing materials, ie. blurbs, not the writer's in the first place. And a great many bestselling authors in the trad published world don't write their own blurbs, they have other writers write them for them. So makes loads of sense to me to not ask writers to worry about blurbs when submitting manuscripts.

Blurbs are marketing materials. When writers get that, they write better blurbs. It's all about getting readers interested in your stuff.

If you can advertise and sell a book without a blurb then I say... why not?

Their definition of a blurb in this article is not what I would term a 'blurb'. Publishers employ blurb writers to write the summary of the story blurb. But I understand this article to mean that publishers expect their writers to get 'endorsement blurbs' from fellow writers.  :confused:
Interesting article. "It takes a lot of time to produce great books, and trying to get blurbs is not a good use of anyone?s time."

Sure. The way I see it, a publisher is a writer's marketer. It should be the publisher's job to provide marketing materials, ie. blurbs, not the writer's in the first place. And a great many bestselling authors in the trad published world don't write their own blurbs, they have other writers write them for them. So makes loads of sense to me to not ask writers to worry about blurbs when submitting manuscripts.

Blurbs are marketing materials. When writers get that, they write better blurbs. It's all about getting readers interested in your stuff.

If you can advertise and sell a book without a blurb then I say... why not?
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