Hi all! Long time lurker here, first time poster
I'm hoping to glean some wisdom from all you veterans!
So far, I have two historical standalones published, which do decently well (better than I expected them to when I started this whole indie thing). I'm jumping ship to fantasy though, and plan to stay within that genre forever (hahaha famous last words).
Anyway, I'm launching a new gaslamp fantasy series of at least four books later this year. I have a book 1, book 2, book 3 and a shorter prequel novel (which can be read at any point). I plan to use the prequel novel as a reader magnet and advertise in Books 1, 2 and 3. HOWEVER, I have the idea to publish it first, wide and permafree, in an effort to garner some visibility for this series and maybe/hopefully land a Bookbub feature on it. I've had zero success getting Bookbubs on my historical novels (despite really good reviews), but they are in KU which I think makes things tough. So I'm hoping if I have a wide permafree, my chances would go up. The plan is to publish the prequel 3 months before book 1, then unpublish it once Book 1 comes out so that I can then use it as a reader magnet exclusively available to my subscribers.
I would put the series itself (Books 1, 2, 3, etc.) in KU and release them all 3 weeks apart, priced at 99 cents for book 1, 3.99 for book 2 and 4.99 for book 3. There will probably be a book 4 at some point, but I wouldn't write that until next year.
is this insane? Am I going about this all wrong? I've cobbled together this strategy in my head after reading a million different posts and books but can't say I've found anyone who's done this exact thing before, so I'd LOVE to hear from someone who has, or at least something close to it.
My short-term goals include getting as many readers into the series as possible, hence the free and 99c intro points.
My long-term goal is to make bank authoring, but I understand that's probably a few years down the road. For now, I'm willing to sink cash into this as an investment in the future in order to build a reader base that will eventually sustain me.
Thanks in advance for any help!