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Corona Virus Public Discussions / Re: Long Covid Research
« Last post by LilyBLily on April 13, 2024, 01:07:58 PM »
I'm still wearing a mask indoors in public places--often the only one doing so. But it was nice not to get a cold this winter, and sticking out like a sore thumb is not new for me.
Corona Virus Public Discussions / Re: Long Covid Research
« Last post by She-la-te-da on April 13, 2024, 11:44:28 AM »
Something needs to be done. Covid has basically killed my brain. I have found nothing that could even begin to help, and my memory is getting worse, not better. I also type much worse, it's slowed me down so much because going fast makes for 80% typos. And that's even if I can remember what the heck I'm trying to type.
Bot Discussion Public / Re: A.I. Is Learning What It Means to Be Alive
« Last post by TimothyEllis on March 13, 2024, 12:31:49 AM »
We were supposed to have flying cars decades ago.

Sure, today, there are some flying cars, but most people only see them in videos.  We don't have skyways full of people flying their cars here and there.

There is the future that people are convinced will be reality and then there is the reality that is the future.

Yes, but this is the time of 'Feelings make it real'.

So all it needs is someone feeling that AI is feeling, so it must be true.

And that truth has to be broadcast and agreed with by everyone, or your a misogynist racist bigot.

I'm expecting AI to be declared a minority race any second now.
Bot Discussion Public / Re: A.I. Is Learning What It Means to Be Alive
« Last post by Post-Crisis D on March 13, 2024, 12:27:38 AM »
We were supposed to have flying cars decades ago.

Sure, today, there are some flying cars, but most people only see them in videos.  We don't have skyways full of people flying their cars here and there.

There is the future that people are convinced will be reality and then there is the reality that is the future.
Bot Discussion Public / Re: ChatGPT is recommending novel pricing.
« Last post by Jeff Tanyard on March 12, 2024, 12:27:13 PM »
Maybe ChatGPT is pricing it high to deter people from buying?  :icon_rofl:

Their margin is my opportunity.   :cool:
Bot Discussion Public / Re: A.I. Is Learning What It Means to Be Alive
« Last post by TimothyEllis on March 12, 2024, 11:01:45 AM »
I usually grump alongside Tim but offer only a half-grump this time - yes, AI can do some very worthy things but it cannot write a novel worth reading / appealing to readers 50yrs from now.  Bc its a tool w/no human genius.  Our current problem is thinking that AI can do more than it can.

Thinking, no.

Being TOLD by media hype is what's going on.

It's being hyper marketed. And as usual, the ads have no basis in reality.
Bot Discussion Public / Re: A.I. Is Learning What It Means to Be Alive
« Last post by Hopscotch on March 12, 2024, 08:49:13 AM »
I usually grump alongside Tim but offer only a half-grump this time - yes, AI can do some very worthy things but it cannot write a novel worth reading / appealing to readers 50yrs from now.  Bc its a tool w/no human genius.  Our current problem is thinking that AI can do more than it can.
Bot Discussion Public / Re: A.I. Is Learning What It Means to Be Alive
« Last post by TimothyEllis on March 12, 2024, 01:51:30 AM »
Definitely a paywall.

As for the title, I'd call BS on that straight away.
Bot Discussion Public / A.I. Is Learning What It Means to Be Alive
« Last post by APP on March 12, 2024, 01:49:17 AM »

Though I personally believe unbridled AI poses a dangerous threat to humanity, this article shows the potential for good that AI can do when used responsibly.

Note: You may encounter a paywall.
Bot Discussion Public / Re: ChatGPT is recommending novel pricing.
« Last post by TimothyEllis on March 12, 2024, 12:56:00 AM »
Maybe ChatGPT is pricing it high to deter people from buying?  :icon_rofl:

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