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Formatter's Forge [Public] / Re: Touching Base
« Last post by R. C. on February 08, 2025, 11:08:56 PM »
What does an epub give you before upload that the docx does not?

After spending too much money trying to find an audience, I have resigned myself to a passive marketing approach. I use D2D, and I like the idea of Fourthwall.

My latest effort is eligible to go wide next week. I started the process of creating the ePub to load into Fourthwall.  However, the tools I use create formatting issues with the content flow.

I have the skills necessary to edit an epub file. However, I don't want to spend time tweaking a file produced by a tool that should understand a font change, erroneously inserts blank lines, or removes blank lines intended for readability.

Money isn't the single motivator. Beta readers and editors of the latest work stated (paraphrased): "This is your best work. Your writing is so much easier to read. Damn it, where's book two?"

TLDR: I'm lazy, and I want to create a better product to market outside of 'Zon.

Formatter's Forge [Public] / Re: Touching Base
« Last post by TimothyEllis on February 08, 2025, 10:37:26 PM »
What's wrong with the docx?


What I am interested in is a more efficient ePub creation process.

Why?  :icon_think:

What does an epub give you before upload that the docx does not?
Formatter's Forge [Public] / Re: Touching Base
« Last post by R. C. on February 08, 2025, 10:32:21 PM »
What's wrong with the docx?


What I am interested in is a more efficient ePub creation process.

It's always hard to lose an animal you've known for a long time. My condolences!

As for checks, yes, people who do some kind of work at my home (plumbing, painting, etc.) are normally set up only for cash or checks.

Here, no-one takes cheques anymore. Not for home visit services. They do credit card on the spot, or they do electronic transfer from invoice.

The ones still doing cash are deliberately avoiding paying GST, or having a traceable income. There are plenty of people who want to pay less that enable this. That's what cash machines are for.

Same in the UK.
Sorry about your horse, Lorri.   :icon_sad:
Formatter's Forge [Public] / Re: Touching Base
« Last post by TimothyEllis on February 08, 2025, 11:20:30 AM »
What's wrong with the docx?
The ones still doing cash are deliberately avoiding paying GST, or having a traceable income.

That's a BS narrative sold by politicians and other miscreants that want to be able to pry into every aspect of our lives and be able to control everything, including, eventually, how we spend our own money.

No, it's not.  :icon_mrgreen:

That's from the lips of tradesmen.

There's a lot here who only work on a cash basis. No records, no GST paid. Cheaper work done.

There's also a lot who will quote for a job properly, and then tell you it can be cheaper if we pay cash.

The government of course wants to stamp this out, which is why there are moves to go to a cashless society. But it won't happen easily, since the cash society here still lives.
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: Will 99 cent ads followed by a free ad work for a sequel?
« Last post by alhawke on February 08, 2025, 10:11:12 AM »
You can always run multiple promos within a month apart, or so, as long as they go reduced in price. I've had success pricing $2.99 and then $0.99. Can't see why $0.99 to, later, free wouldn't work. You just don't want to go backwards and try sales at increased prices only a month apart.
You don't have to do it for Goodreads. Readers can review upcoming ebooks there before the book is published.
Still considering this:

Hmm, I could be wrong there about Goodreads. It could be that since I nearly always publish my paperback first, my book would be up way before my ebook every time. You really don't have to worry about Goodreads though. Lately, my paperback pops up automatically within a couple days. So if you publish your paperback, it should show up on Goodreads automatically and work universally for later ebook reviews.
Yep. I do this all the time to have early reviews while my ebook is on preorder.
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