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TV/Movie Talk [Public] / Re: What TV series are you watching right now?
« Last post by Jeff Tanyard on March 24, 2024, 12:23:17 PM »
Babylon 5...loved the first three and a half seasons.  After that, some episodes were better than others. 

I completely agree.  From best to worst, I rank the seasons 3, 2, 1/4, 4/1, 5.
TV/Movie Talk [Public] / Re: What TV series are you watching right now?
« Last post by R. C. on March 24, 2024, 08:01:35 AM »
... and Dark Winds...which is an amazing show, IMHO. Believe they're getting a 3rd season!...

I'll co-sign Dark Winds. Well worth the viewing.

TV/Movie Talk [Public] / Re: What TV series are you watching right now?
« Last post by Lorri Moulton on March 24, 2024, 07:25:26 AM »
Babylon 5...loved the first three and a half seasons.  After that, some episodes were better than others.  Garibaldi as a bad guy was so difficult to watch.  Can no one figure out what's going on???

Also love the first season of Continuum (the one with Kiera Cameron) and any Stargate SG-1 episode.  Especially with Jack.  And Firefly (of course!)

I've been watching some Acorn TV and lots of Roku reruns.  Can't go wrong with The Rockford Files, which my cats also LOVE.  They watch it when I'm not home.

Considering AMC+ again to watch A Discovery of Witches (love the first season especially) and Dark Winds...which is an amazing show, IMHO. Believe they're getting a 3rd season!

And I'm re-watching all of Signed, Sealed, Delivered on Hallmark because they're finally going to make 2 more movies.  My TV shows are much like my books.  I like a variety of genres.  :angel:

TV/Movie Talk [Public] / Re: What TV series are you watching right now?
« Last post by Anarchist on March 23, 2024, 09:47:27 AM »

TV/Movie Talk [Public] / Re: What TV series are you watching right now?
« Last post by R. C. on March 23, 2024, 07:06:29 AM »
Just finished binging all five seaons of Fargo.  I refused to watch it when it came out because I felt it would be a rip-off of the movie. I was wrong.

Seasons 2 and 5 are the best, followed by 1, 3 and 4 in order of preference.

TV/Movie Talk [Public] / Re: What TV series are you watching right now?
« Last post by PJ Post on March 23, 2024, 05:56:11 AM »

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Book Promotion Board [Public] / Re: Ashley Capes - Epic Fantasy List
« Last post by ashleycapes on March 02, 2024, 08:09:50 AM »
Did you find that your readers were generally more pleased with all books being available at once? (However that could be measured :D)

All that is a long way of saying I don't really know.   :shrug  I know some readers won't touch a series until it's complete, though, so there's definitely a price to be paid for not finishing the series before publishing book one.  I was aware of this back then, and I made my decision to publish the whole trilogy at once, and I don't regret that decision.

That's one thing I've been most concerned with, and when I look at my other series that are not yet finished, they just don't move so well.

So it's nice to hear that you've experienced happy readers when you've released the trilogy all at once, thank you!
Book Promotion Board [Public] / Re: Ashley Capes - Epic Fantasy List
« Last post by Jeff Tanyard on March 01, 2024, 10:27:53 AM »
Did you find that your readers were generally more pleased with all books being available at once? (However that could be measured :D)

I got paid sales for books 2 and 3 very quickly, so some folks might have purchased the whole trilogy at once, but it's possible those were just fast readers who zipped through book 1 and then immediately bought the next one.

When I had my Bookbub, a number of folks bought all three books on the same day, but I expect that's just them having enough faith in Bookbub to merit doing that.  I'm not sure that would translate to ordinary sales.

All that is a long way of saying I don't really know.   :shrug  I know some readers won't touch a series until it's complete, though, so there's definitely a price to be paid for not finishing the series before publishing book one.  I was aware of this back then, and I made my decision to publish the whole trilogy at once, and I don't regret that decision.
Book Promotion Board [Public] / Re: Ashley Capes - Epic Fantasy List
« Last post by ashleycapes on February 29, 2024, 07:44:21 PM »
I like those covers.   :)

...I've yet to release a whole trilogy at once...

It can be a little hectic.  Make sure you have your blurbs, keywords, categories, and all that other stuff planned out in advance and written down on a cheat sheet or something so that you don't get everything mixed up.  This is especially true if, as I did, you're uploading to multiple retailers at the same time, not just Amazon.

That aside, congratulations on your latest achievement, and I hope you sell lots of books.   :cheers

Thank you! I did have to go through a bit of that, yeah - had the retailers open and the key info for each book sitting in a notepad doc, tedious! But I definitely had to concentrate and work through it, like, "okay book 1 in this retailer, now book 1 in that retailer etc etc"

Did you find that your readers were generally more pleased with all books being available at once? (However that could be measured :D)
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