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TV/Movie Talk [Public] / Re: The Abyss in theaters
« Last post by TimothyEllis on November 20, 2023, 05:59:40 PM »
Got the extended edition DVD, but it's in my 'waiting for 4K' section.

Last time I checked, it wasn't available to buy anymore, which for that time, is quite common now.
TV/Movie Talk [Public] / The Abyss in theaters
« Last post by Jeff Tanyard on November 20, 2023, 03:31:01 PM »
The James Cameron classic The Abyss is coming to theaters soon.   :cool:

It's a one-day event: December 6th.

I saw the movie in the theater back during its original run in 1989.  I was just a teenage kid at the time, but the movie stuck with me.  I particularly remember the CPR scene and the rat-in-the-fluid scene.  And, of course, we were all wowed by the CGI water column, a groundbreaking technical achievement at the time.

If you haven't seen the movie before, I recommend it, and here's your chance to see it in style.
TV/Movie Talk [Public] / Re: What TV series are you watching right now?
« Last post by Jeff Tanyard on November 20, 2023, 10:44:37 AM »
Both of you are off my Christmas list.


TV/Movie Talk [Public] / Re: What TV series are you watching right now?
« Last post by Anarchist on November 20, 2023, 10:14:12 AM »
Both of you are off my Christmas list.
TV/Movie Talk [Public] / Re: What TV series are you watching right now?
« Last post by Jeff Tanyard on November 20, 2023, 10:07:44 AM »
I thought The Expanse was very good. It's on Amazon.

I tried several times to get into this and just couldn't. I've heard from quite a few folks that it's very good. Perhaps it's just me.  :shrug

It's not just you.  I watched the first season, and it was certainly cool in the early going, but for whatever reason my interested simply dwindled as it went on, and I just wasn't interested in continuing on.   :confused:
TV/Movie Talk [Public] / Re: What TV series are you watching right now?
« Last post by PJ Post on November 20, 2023, 07:02:45 AM »
I thought The Expanse was very good. It's on Amazon.

I tried several times to get into this and just couldn't. I've heard from quite a few folks that it's very good. Perhaps it's just me.  :shrug
TV/Movie Talk [Public] / Re: What TV series are you watching right now?
« Last post by Anarchist on November 19, 2023, 10:46:51 AM »
I mostly like SF...

I thought The Expanse was very good. It's on Amazon.

TV/Movie Talk [Public] / Re: What TV series are you watching right now?
« Last post by She-la-te-da on November 19, 2023, 04:56:47 AM »
The Fall

I started to watch this one, but I had bad Internet at the time. I'll probably try again.

I just finished Space: 1999. Not too bad, a bit campy with all those special effects. I've watched some ReGenesis, a bit of Colony, and now looking for something else. I mostly like SF, not that interested in soaps or similar things. I've watched some Brit, UK and Canada shows, and I think one Australian, so I'm not totally against seeing other cultures, but I only speak English. :)
Book Talk [Public] / Re: What are you reading now?
« Last post by Bill Hiatt on November 15, 2023, 12:09:33 AM »
Just finished another reread of Clotaire Rapaille's The Culture Code trying to figure out how to apply his theories to selling my books!
Ah! If you develop any new insights, please let us know.
Book Talk [Public] / Re: What are you reading now?
« Last post by Hopscotch on November 14, 2023, 09:55:04 PM »
Just finished another reread of Clotaire Rapaille's The Culture Code trying to figure out how to apply his theories to selling my books!
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