Author Topic: My favorite scene from any Batman movie  (Read 1029 times)

Jeff Tanyard

My favorite scene from any Batman movie
« on: October 07, 2021, 03:30:16 PM » this one:

You've got flurries of dead leaves, creepy-looking trees, dim and weird lighting, and, of course, the excellent mood-setting music of Danny Elfman.  You've got not-quite-straight camera angles that add to the discomfort.  Keaton doesn't say a word, and that adds to the mystery.  He turns on the map light to punctuate the point that he's not letting anyone get too close.  He's the dark knight, not the approachable knight.  In my opinion, nothing illustrates the whole Batman persona better than this scene.

I also liked Nicholson's Joker the best.  He wasn't just crazy.  He was willfully evil.  He was truly a monster.

Which Batman movie is your favorite, and which scene is your favorite?
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Re: My favorite scene from any Batman movie
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2021, 10:00:09 PM »
Great clip! I'd say that's my favorite Batman as well.

Movies sure have changed a lot.

Something that jumped out at me was that movie happened at a time when a female character could have a realistic reaction to being in a strange situation with a scary dude. Kim Basinger looks truly unsettled. As a person would be in that situation. Nowadays, though, they'd have her rewritten to be cracking some sort of Whedonesque jokes and disengaging with reality so that no viewer is in danger of feeling any actual concern for the character. Not that I think females should do nothing but scream in 1950s horror throughout all films... but there is a nice middle ground, and we've lost it in most modern action films.

Thanks for the clip! I'm going to re-watch it tonight. Woohoo the 90s!  EDIT: 1989.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2021, 10:02:37 PM by angela »
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Re: My favorite scene from any Batman movie
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2021, 07:30:50 AM »
Great scene. Love it. The woods. The setting. The mystery.
Still, not to be contentious, my absolute fav is the Dark Knight. It's got that over-the-top shock value I just love (but maybe it's this "shock" that's led us to not appreciate the subtleties of setting and atmosphere?).
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Re: My favorite scene from any Batman movie
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2021, 09:13:32 AM »
My favorite Batman scene. The explosion delay is unplanned, not in the script. Heath Ledge stayed in the moment.

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