The best moderation happens without anyone being aware of it. Or at least, in a way which has minimum impact.
At most, a moderator may add a comment to a post, but the post itself will not be changed. Moderators may edit a thread heading if necessary to avoid misunderstandings, to clarify what is in the thread, or add context. Moderators may attempt to fix quote issues, without changing the actual post.
Moderators will be chosen for their ability to remain objective and detached from whatever issue is before them. We recognize people do get emotional, express things badly or not diplomatically, and sometimes misunderstandings happen. The object will be to clarify first, if necessary.
The following things will be DELETED on sight:
Hate, Abuse of any kind (directed at anyone), Spam, Commercial links, Obscene material, and Harassment. Anything deemed actual slander or defamation, although this will be case by case, and only as necessary to protect the forum from legal action.
Deleted posts will be kept in a hidden area, in case needed at anytime in the future.
Threads which deteriorate into arguments will be moved to an Off Topic area, or will be split and the argumentative part moved to Off Topic.
Argumentative threads going nowhere will be locked. Before or after being moved at the discretion of a moderator.
Threads may be temporarily locked while moderator action is performed.
Thread highjacks will be split off and moved where appropriate.
Individual posts which are considered inappropriate, or generate valid complaints, but not deemed bad enough for deletion, will be split off and become a zombie. Multiple zombies for a specific thread may or may not be reformed as a zombie thread. We really dont want to delete, so please dont force it.
Moderators may move a thread to another area at their discretion. You may request it be moved back at your discretion.
Banning a user is considered a last resort option. Such a ban might be for a specific forum area, or from the forum as a whole. It is preferred you dont push this button.
Moderators are not obligated to inform a user about moderation of a post. We will attempt to as much as possible, but probably wont if it was just a move, or split and move was involved. If something vanishes from somewhere, it got moved somewhere else, and you can check where the post went by looking at your posts list in your profile. Moderators may or may not mention in a thread that it had posts split off, depending on circumstances.
If you have a problem with a moderator, contact me by PM. If the moderator in question is me, I'll attempt to talk the issue out with you and try and reach a compromise. Remember, I cant fix it if you dont talk to me about it.
Moderation should not be discussed in the forum. Please PM me or a moderator before posting in public. Any public complaint thread may be moved to a more appropriate place, and once resolved, removed from view.
Moderation policy will be reviewed regularly. If you wish to comment, please PM me.