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"Reading is so sexy," says Gen Z

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‘Reading is so sexy’: gen Z turns to physical books and libraries
Book sales boom as readers escape the ‘oversaturation and noise of the wild west digital landscape’
The Guardian   9 Feb 2024

“Last year in the UK 669m physical books were sold, the highest overall level ever recorded. Research from Nielsen BookData highlights that it is print books that gen Z favour, accounting for 80% of purchases from November 2021 to 2022. Libraries are also reporting an uptick in gen Z users who favour their quiet over noisy coffee shops….While the BookTok charts…are regularly topped by fantasy and romance titles…gen Z are reading a diverse range of genres…literary fiction, memoirs, translated fiction and classics in particular…”

Also see the list of Gen Z-approved lit merch.


I don't believe that for a minute.

Gen Z can't get their noses out of their phones. Neither can millennials.

Someone joked on a Reel recently that if GPS failed, Gen Z wouldn't be able to leave their houses without getting lost.

Gen Z might have bought solid books as Christmas presents for older family members, but they sure as hell are not reading them themselves.

Lorri Moulton:
You know what else is sexy...buying books to read. LOL

Jeff Tanyard:
My niece and nephew are Zoomers, and I've had very little success in trying to get them to read, much to my dismay.   :icon_sad:


--- Quote from: TimothyEllis on February 10, 2024, 01:59:19 AM ---I don't believe that for a minute.

Gen Z can't get their noses out of their phones. Neither can millennials.

Someone joked on a Reel recently that if GPS failed, Gen Z wouldn't be able to leave their houses without getting lost.

Gen Z might have bought solid books as Christmas presents for older family members, but they sure as hell are not reading them themselves.

--- End quote ---

 :icon_lol2:  Both my kids can read but they're lost without a phone. I still keep a US Atlas in my car.


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