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Quill and Feather Pub [Public] / Re: Falling in love with your characters
« Last post by Bill Hiatt on April 17, 2024, 06:26:36 AM »
One of my fans once told me my MC was her "book boyfriend." Another fan said of the characters "broke her heart."

That's the kind of connection we hope readers make with our books.

It is commonly said that the subconscious mind takes everything literally.

I also heard that. If you watch a movie where a character has cancer or other life-threatening disease your subconscious will believe it to be true and your body will respond accordingly. I'm now circumspect about what I watch and read.  :icon_rolleyes:

I can't write about a character being cruel to animals, or other things that might upset me.

I have fallen for the MC in one of my books, and visualised who would play him if it was a movie.  :)
Writer's Workshop [Public] / Re: I can see this happening
« Last post by Post-Crisis D on April 17, 2024, 02:41:49 AM »
It's 2024.  People are still using Google?  2004 is calling and wants its search engine back.

Anyway, if you regard Wikipedia as a useful source, you can download Wikipedia and set it up on your own local server.  Then no one will know what you look up on there.
Writer's Workshop [Public] / Re: I can see this happening
« Last post by Shoe on April 17, 2024, 02:07:04 AM »
When my research leans into darker topics like poisons or murder or other dark alley stuff, I use incognito mode so it won't affect my Google algorithms, which of course are pristine. (I once mentioned this to someone who told me I was kidding myself. Google knows all.)
Quill and Feather Pub [Public] / Re: Falling in love with your characters
« Last post by Shoe on April 17, 2024, 01:56:24 AM »
My number one rule is, main characters have to be people I'd like to hang out with in real life, and the female characters women I could easily fall in love with. I don't write about serious topics, so it's easy to put this energy into my books.
Quill and Feather Pub [Public] / Re: Falling in love with your characters
« Last post by Bill Hiatt on April 16, 2024, 09:40:41 PM »
I agree. I have very tender feelings for my characters. After writing multiple books in one series, I have trouble remembering that my favorite continuing character in those books is not a real person. And that the town I invented does not exist, either.
It is commonly said that the subconscious mind takes everything literally. I'm not sure how anyone can determine that, but it is at the very least a commonly held belief. Among other things, that means that the subconscious mind can't distinguish real life from fiction. The subconscious mind also works on an emotional basis. Whatever logic we have comes from the conscious mind.

This is one reason we can have strong emotional responses to literature and film. The subconscious believes what we read and what we see.

Of course, consciously, we can distinguish (or we'd be in a lot of trouble). But subconsciously we can't. I'll go a step further and say that creative people leverage the subconscious as part of our creative process.

What does all that mean? Good writers are emotionally connected to their characters. I'm not sure we can create very well without such a connection.
Quill and Feather Pub [Public] / Re: Falling in love with your characters
« Last post by LilyBLily on April 16, 2024, 12:57:06 PM »
I agree. I have very tender feelings for my characters. After writing multiple books in one series, I have trouble remembering that my favorite continuing character in those books is not a real person. And that the town I invented does not exist, either.

I try to create attractive people, although their physical attributes are not the main attraction. Their hearts are, and if the story goes the right way, there's a bloom to their union (or one might say their communion) that radiates back at me. I tend to fall in love with how the characters in my stories are loving to each other, if that makes sense.
Quill and Feather Pub [Public] / Re: Falling in love with your characters
« Last post by Lynn on April 16, 2024, 06:34:55 AM »
I love pretty much all my characters, even the ugly-inside ones. Would I fall in love with them outside of my books? Highly doubtful. I am not a good fit for most of them, and they're not a good fit for me. But they are highly interesting to me and I have tender feelings for them. :D
Writer's Workshop [Public] / Re: I can see this happening
« Last post by spin52 on April 16, 2024, 04:40:26 AM »
As it happens, I just e-mailed my beta reader saying I hoped no one checked my browsing history to learn I was looking for a plant-based poison that would kill quickly, and what symptoms to look for.
Quill and Feather Pub [Public] / Re: Falling in love with your characters
« Last post by spin52 on April 16, 2024, 04:33:18 AM »
Definitely, but it always turns out they're spoken for and I just can't compete.
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