Author Topic: Average offer price?  (Read 643 times)

Gerri Attrick

Average offer price?
« on: April 05, 2021, 06:21:51 PM »
The second book (of 2) in one of my series has been published for exactly 5 years. It has always been priced at £2.99 in the UK. For a long time it brought in a royalty of £1.59 and it is still doing so!
It's been nearly a year since the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer abolished VAT on ebooks. All my other UK royalties on books priced at £2.99 then went up to £2.05, or thereabouts, but not this one.

So, today I checked that it was on sale for £2.99 and then looked at the KDP reports spreadsheet. That lists this book with an Average List Price without tax of £2.99, BUT an Average Offer Price without tax of £2.31! That gives the royalty of £1.59. What's going on?

The delivery of £0.04 is about right and commensurate with all my other £2.99 books. They are all getting the right royalty. It just this one book.

Will someone please explain what this Average Offer price is?