Author Topic: (Guide) How to get reviews  (Read 2775 times)


(Guide) How to get reviews
« on: October 27, 2018, 10:36:32 AM »
Haha, I think I can contribute with some content for noobs. If people know more options, please add.

OK, so, how can you get reviews for your book? There are some methods:


- Ask on Goodreads ARC groups, such as this one:  or
Genre specific groups might be better.
Watch out! Goodreads reviewers can be mean. Thick skin required.

- Ask your mailing list subscribers to be ARC readers. OK, not free because you need a mailing list. Review percentage is low, but it's one upside from mailing lists. Plus, if you got some freebie seekers, make use of them.

- There are some Facebook groups for reviews, such as  There are also some genre-specific groups. Ask an author in your genre.



This is not so much for Amazon, but more for blogs. It's good to get some editorial reviews. Thick skin required.
For the love of everything that's good, please don't pay Netgalley directly or IBPA. Get a coop. Coops cost from 45 to 65 for one month, and it's usually enough. You could get 2 or 3 months, though.
Some coops:

- Xpresso Tours currently $65/month but they have more contacts with blogs and post on their newsletter
- Broad Universe Currently $45/month for non-members. It's a feminist speculative fiction association.
- Victory Editing currently 375/year or $40/month, but I think they tend to prefer yearly subscribers.

There are more. I know that SFWA has a Netgalley coop, but I don't know the details. Kobo Writing Life also has the option, but Kobo is read now. In the option read now, readers are not screened, and you might get more freebie seekers. I asked Netgalley reviewers if they discriminate against read now, and they said they didn't, so I'm changing my mind and thinking it might not be a bad idea.

In general, Netgalley star rating tends to be lower than on Amazon. The number of reviews can vary immensely, from a couple to some twenty or so. Most reviews don't go to Amazon. Romance and YA get more reviews. The upside is getting bloggers to review your book. You also get some reviewers who don't usually read indies (and this can be good and bad).

- Booksprout   It can be free, 10/month, or 20/month. It's a site to manage your ARC team, and it sounds awesome for authors with a large ARC team. You can also post your ARC as a public ARC, and readers might claim it and review it. You can do that even in the free option.  Good review/request ration. I also think it's an excellent option for managing your review team from your email list.

 I've gotten a couple reviews from Booksprout readers when I posted books there. Romance books can get a lot more reviews. (I write lower YA)

 Hidden Gems
They are reliable, honest, and you'll get a decent number of reviews on Amazon. Some reviews can be negative, but usually not as brutal as Goodreads or Netgalley. Not all reviews are very insightful.
It costs 3$ per reviewer who signs up, with a minimum of 50 reviewers, so $150 is the minimum, and you'd get some 35-45 reviews. The catch is that in some genres they can't get 50 reviewers, so you'll pay less.
One problem with them is that they are booked months in advance, especially for romance.

Book Sirens  You can post your book there so readers claim it. Right now it's $10, plus $2 for each reader who claims it. They say that reviews come slowly. The site is beautiful and professional, but I think they still need to find more reviewers. It's mainly crickets right now.

Authors XP  You can post your book there and deal directly with review requests, or let them deal with it. It starts at $30 for about 30 reviewers, but there is no screening to see if they'll actually leave reviews or not. They take the book and run. I don't recommend it.

Elite Reviews is $40, and they guarantee at least 8 reviews and upt to 15 reviews. I haven't tried it, but it sounds decent.

- Does anyone know any other good method for getting reviews?
Selling books in theory should help, but I find that a lot of people don't like to leave reviews.

Edited to add info about BookSprout, Authors Xp, Book Siresns
« Last Edit: May 15, 2020, 05:58:48 AM by Denise »
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