Author Topic: Dogs: From: lockdown thread  (Read 11446 times)


Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #50 on: September 27, 2020, 02:57:50 AM »
I've seen references to this in several places:

It seems like a really helpful development - quick, highly accurate detection and low chance of the detectors catching the disease.

Maggie Ann

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #51 on: September 27, 2020, 03:09:28 AM »
I've seen references to this in several places:

It seems like a really helpful development - quick, highly accurate detection and low chance of the detectors catching the disease.

The Power of the Paw!


Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #52 on: September 27, 2020, 03:41:21 AM »
I know they are pretty amazing. We once watched a dog find a planted suitcase containing explosive scent at the airport. The dog had sniffed over 4000 bags that day and came up empty and was feeling pretty sad about it, so the trainers set a bag by the curb so he could find it and they could tell him he did a good job.

R H Auslander

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #53 on: October 14, 2020, 03:01:59 AM »
Our youngest red girl Ella developed a problem. With the current mess with the virus our vet was dragooned back to service some months ago, he's one of very few who does not only service dogs but also horses. With them never really stopping mounted and foot patrols along our borders, he's been a busy lad.

Ella finished her days about two weeks ago and since there was no suitable gentleman available in the area, plus she is eight years and that would be pushing the envelope, she had zero activity reproductive wise regardless of old Ruslan and her brother Aleksandr desiring otherwise. For whatever reason she was suddenly ill last Friday morning, lethargic and listless. By Saturday morning she was worsening by the hour so a call was made to vet. As luck would have it he was on a 36 hour service rotation and would not be available until Sunday after 13:00.

As she got progressively worse, we after speaking to vet via commo link decided to take her to Hospital Sunday morning for a sonogram to see what gives, she could keep nothing down, not even water, and was in obvious pain. Vet told VCO what meds to give her for pain and such. Sunday morning we scrapped the sonogram, she began to bleed so we knew it was a problem with her girl machinery. Vet arrived at 13:01 with his field hospital truck and a Medical Sister and ten minutes later Ella was sedated thoroughly. Vet, Sister and VCO did the operation, took about an hour and a half, and vet said he's never seen such an infection that was so virulent, told me she was a mess inside and he don't know why with her lack of activity. However, she did not improve through the afternoon and evening albeit quite lethargic from the meds and such. Vet returned this afternoon, examined her thoroughly and hit her with some pretty powerful antibiotics. Miracle cure, while she's not really 'up and about' she is vastly improved and will live.

On his way out today vet nabbed K'sen'ya and gave her the booster for her rabies vaccination. Poor K'sen'ya, she was comfortably ensconced in our little girls arms when this big man suddenly grabbed her, gave her the shot and put her back in our girl's arms in about 3 seconds. She kind of looked around surprised and from the look on her face her thoughts were 'what the h//l did I do and what the h//l was that???'.


Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #54 on: October 14, 2020, 03:31:54 AM »
I hope the dog recovers okay, and quickly.

In happier dog news, I went to pick up something (Craigslist) today and got to pet a very friendly Bernese Mountain Dog. That's my husband's number one choice for a dog, if we were to get a dog, which we are NOT.
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Maggie Ann

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #55 on: October 14, 2020, 03:50:42 AM »
We did not have a happy six months check up with the vet yesterday. Mikey was due for his heartworm shot and I don't think he got it. He also didn't get refill for his flea medicine.

I filled out the forms and sent my granddaughter to drop off Mikey since I can't drive. My grandson went to pick him up and came home with $47 worth of special food since his liver function was supposedly elevated. I don't believe a word of it. My Angelo had an elevated liver function but he was 12 years old. Mikey is four. I think they just want to sell this expensive food.

I have to call them and get them to schedule Mikey's heartworm shot immediately and refill his flea medicine. If I could have been there, I would have made sure Mikey was well taken care of.


Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #56 on: October 14, 2020, 04:36:17 AM »
That's too bad. You need to have 100% faith in your vet in these times when you can't go in with them. I had to take one of our bunnies in a few months ago and our vet came in on her day off because her partner doesn't do exotics. I hope you can get Mikey's shot soon.


Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #57 on: October 14, 2020, 06:04:34 AM »
So Ella had a pyometra? I'm glad she's bouncing back after the surgery and with the meds.

I've done a good many Bernese Mountain Dog drafting tests with my Rotties. Their competitions are open to other breeds. They truly are happy dogs that make you smile just being around them.

Maggie Ann, I hope you get it straight with the vet. Liver problems would usually be caught by a blood test if values were off. Did Mikey have a blood test?

Maggie Ann

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #58 on: October 14, 2020, 09:34:55 AM »
So Ella had a pyometra? I'm glad she's bouncing back after the surgery and with the meds.

I've done a good many Bernese Mountain Dog drafting tests with my Rotties. Their competitions are open to other breeds. They truly are happy dogs that make you smile just being around them.

Maggie Ann, I hope you get it straight with the vet. Liver problems would usually be caught by a blood test if values were off. Did Mikey have a blood test?

I love Bernese Mountain dogs but they wouldn't be happy in FL.

I spoke to Banfield. She said they emailed the papers to me. Unfortunately I have not been able to get into my email for four days. It's on my list to call AT&T about that.

He had the shot but I don't know if he had blood work. They said they would send the paperwork to my alternate email address but it's been several hours and I haven't gotten it yet. Grandson is going to pick up the flea meds tomorrow and they said they would have the printouts for him as well.

It's just suspicious that my previous dog had liver problems and now they are saying that Mikey has the same problem.

At least he had the heartworm shot.

Maggie Ann

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #59 on: October 14, 2020, 09:36:57 AM »
Our youngest red girl Ella developed a problem. With the current mess with the virus our vet was dragooned back to service some months ago, he's one of very few who does not only service dogs but also horses. With them never really stopping mounted and foot patrols along our borders, he's been a busy lad.

Ella finished her days about two weeks ago and since there was no suitable gentleman available in the area, plus she is eight years and that would be pushing the envelope, she had zero activity reproductive wise regardless of old Ruslan and her brother Aleksandr desiring otherwise. For whatever reason she was suddenly ill last Friday morning, lethargic and listless. By Saturday morning she was worsening by the hour so a call was made to vet. As luck would have it he was on a 36 hour service rotation and would not be available until Sunday after 13:00.

As she got progressively worse, we after speaking to vet via commo link decided to take her to Hospital Sunday morning for a sonogram to see what gives, she could keep nothing down, not even water, and was in obvious pain. Vet told VCO what meds to give her for pain and such. Sunday morning we scrapped the sonogram, she began to bleed so we knew it was a problem with her girl machinery. Vet arrived at 13:01 with his field hospital truck and a Medical Sister and ten minutes later Ella was sedated thoroughly. Vet, Sister and VCO did the operation, took about an hour and a half, and vet said he's never seen such an infection that was so virulent, told me she was a mess inside and he don't know why with her lack of activity. However, she did not improve through the afternoon and evening albeit quite lethargic from the meds and such. Vet returned this afternoon, examined her thoroughly and hit her with some pretty powerful antibiotics. Miracle cure, while she's not really 'up and about' she is vastly improved and will live.

On his way out today vet nabbed K'sen'ya and gave her the booster for her rabies vaccination. Poor K'sen'ya, she was comfortably ensconced in our little girls arms when this big man suddenly grabbed her, gave her the shot and put her back in our girl's arms in about 3 seconds. She kind of looked around surprised and from the look on her face her thoughts were 'what the h//l did I do and what the h//l was that???'.

So glad Ella is on the mend. Your dogs are all very beautiful.
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R H Auslander

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #60 on: October 15, 2020, 02:19:30 AM »
Thank you for your compliments about our dogs. Ella is basically no change today, not better but not worse, lethargic and flat won't eat. We'll see what the morrow brings and if no improvement, vet will have to come again. Methinks full blood workup and sonogram will be in order, something ain't right, she's young and strong.


Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #61 on: October 15, 2020, 03:23:50 AM »

I love Bernese Mountain dogs but they wouldn't be happy in FL.

Or Swiss Mountain dogs, or Pyrenees. Any others? Samoyeds, oh so fluffy. We had a couple of those across the street from us one winter and I loved to bury my hands up to my wrists in their fur.

My aunt is on her 4th Caine terrier so I guess they are good Florida dogs.

Maggie Ann

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #62 on: October 15, 2020, 03:48:13 AM »
I got tired of people looking at Mikey and asking, "What is he?" with a puzzled frown on their faces. I had to do his DNA so that now I can answer them.

50% Chihuahua
25% miniature poodle
12 1/2% Maltese
12 1/2% companion/terrier

He's a tricolor (tan, beige, white) and only weighs 14 pounds. He's got long, curly fur, but not as long as a Maltese or as curly as a poodle. He loves to lay out in the sun.

He loves to talk to me and if he's sitting beside me or laying beside me in bed, he has to put one paw on me to make sure I'm there.



Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #63 on: October 15, 2020, 04:57:59 AM »
I have a friend who has a rescue and when people ask her "What kind of dog is she?" she says, "Brown."

We met a guy with a dog that looked like a golden retriever head on a corgi body with the short corgi legs and the long golden hair. I said it looked like a "Gorgi" and he liked it.

Maggie Ann

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #64 on: October 15, 2020, 06:49:33 AM »
I have a friend who has a rescue and when people ask her "What kind of dog is she?" she says, "Brown."

We met a guy with a dog that looked like a golden retriever head on a corgi body with the short corgi legs and the long golden hair. I said it looked like a "Gorgi" and he liked it.

Good answer!

R H Auslander

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #65 on: October 22, 2020, 05:40:24 AM »
Ella will live. She took a decided turn for the worse on the 16th, by the next day she was dying slowly but surely. Vet was at his wit's end as was VCO, Ella's heart was failing with all that entails, she couldn't even hold her head up as she lay on her bed. Our oldest daughter is still with us, we pulled levers and had her leave extended at her request, the intended purpose of her leave kind of fell by the wayside with Ella being so ill. She is not a Doktor but she is a trained and resourceful Field Medical Sister and is giant help with Ella and the other dogs and our youngest daughter as VCO and I concentrated on Ella.

So two days ago we five, Doktor, his Medical Sister, VCO, our daughter and me, are sitting on the floor next to Ella and watching her fade away when our daughter looked at the IV running in Ella and looked at the medicine Doktor had just injected in to the bottle. She looked puzzled and asked Vet why he was giving her that medicine. Vet said it was standard protocol for heart problems with dogs.

She thought for a moment, than asked why they are not giving Ella my heart meds (she knows what I take and why), which are totally different and much more strong. Vet says they are not certified for dogs. I've never seen that girl angry like she was at that instant and she gave Doktor Holy What For and told VCO to bring two of my pills. Vet says Ella can't keep them down, she told Vet to STFU and give her the pills, nothing ventured nothing gained and Ella was dying in our arms. It took her three tries in over two hours to get them in Ella but the third try was the charm and Ella managed to keep the pills, which are tiny, down. Our beautiful daughter then gave Doktor a diatribe of what she goes through treating the wounded in the never ending fighting in Novorossiya and what she has to make do with and improvise while treating wounded boys and lacking almost everything. Doktor tried to defend himself and mentioned what he went through in both Chechnya Wars (which I knew, we've had a vodka or three over the years and chatted), our girl told him that was nothing compared to what she does and she has learned the hard way to make due and as needed improvise. Doktor waved the white flag and surrendered.

Within hours Ella improved and now, two days later, Ella is up and active and getting my meds three times a day for the duration. She is still ill but improving by the hour, she is eating and her bodily functions, which had shut down, are working normally. Today she is walking in normal fashion (she looks a little silly in her body suit/bandage with tying bows). As stated, she will live. As an aside, our youngest daughter was with us always during this treatment cycle except when she was in school, she needs to know Life as it really is. She was very afraid that Ella would 'leave us'.

This morning, after Ella's dawn walk, our older daughter stated that she has to go back to service. I made mention that she has a young man to see who she has had no time for in the last days, she looked a little woebegone and said she must return, she is needed. She also mentioned that her young man leaves for deployment very shortly. I asked her how many days extended leave she wants, she said two, I made the communications and all is arranged. The young man will pick her up tomorrow at 07:00, take her for breakfast at an el primo and privat facility in City Center and the two will spend the day together, his officer and I have arranged a car and driver and guard for them. I told both of them that she must be back to our house by 19:30 and not a minute later. Our daughter laughed when told of the arrangements and said 'who is the guard for, me or him?'. I told her for both of you, to protect you from him and him from you, but when you return tomorrow eventide your mother and I and you two will have some time to enjoy some good wine and converse on the porch since we are still in our 'velvet fall'. She then told me where the young man is going so while she won't know it, he and I will find time for a talk but methinks after she leaves for up north, there's about a 24 hour window of opportunity.



Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #66 on: October 22, 2020, 05:54:04 AM »
So glad to hear about Ella. How great that your daughter was there and knew something to do. It's always seemed to me in times like that when there's nothing to lose, there shouldn't be such resistance to trying things. Like in terminal cancer patients - if heroin is the only thing that controls the pain, why not? It's not as if addiction is going to be a future problem. I'm not sure of the details of the new Right to Try here in the U.S., but surely it has to be a step forward.

Maggie Ann

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #67 on: October 22, 2020, 07:53:43 AM »
So glad to hear about Ella. How great that your daughter was there and knew something to do. It's always seemed to me in times like that when there's nothing to lose, there shouldn't be such resistance to trying things. Like in terminal cancer patients - if heroin is the only thing that controls the pain, why not? It's not as if addiction is going to be a future problem. I'm not sure of the details of the new Right to Try here in the U.S., but surely it has to be a step forward.


R H Auslander

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #68 on: June 07, 2021, 02:17:05 AM »
Looks like we'll have a blessed event in the next 48 or so. Since Sophia is barren we've been looking for a long time for another blue girl. Blues are a semi benign genetic mutation of a black and are notoriously hard to breed, witness Sophia's several failed attempts and her last disastrous pregnancy.

We found this little stinker by accident, breeder friends of ours up north, who had forgotten we were looking, obtained two blue girls from the east end of this country and mentioned in passing to Her Excellency that she had one left. VCO and I looked at the images and the vid of this girl and I told Her Excellency to buy this lass, she is Sophia lock, stock and barrel. Turns out during the purchase process this girl has Sophia's lineage back to sharing great great grandparents. She will arrive early this week and when she arrives she will tell us her name.We will give her to Sophia to raise and train.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2021, 02:24:24 AM by R H Auslander »
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Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #69 on: June 07, 2021, 03:05:45 AM »
Oh, congratulations. Hope she's everything you want.

I'd kind of forgotten about this thread, and I have dog news of my own. I've been looking for a puppy for about a year, and it's been a stunningly hard slog. Evidently Covid and the lockdowns caused so many people to decide it was a good time to get a puppy the shelters were all but bare and breeders had long wait lists. My reason for a puppy is to have a dog ready to compete when my younger Rottie, Teagan, retires, but also to get a smaller breed as a concession to my age.

I researched and researched and came up with 2 breeds that I thought would work. For the first I found breeders had wait lists of hundreds. This for a small breed that has litters of only 1 to 3. That means 10-year plus wait lists. So I turned to my second choice breed - German Pinscher. They look like a small Doberman but top out at 45 pounds. There are differences in temperament, and they don't have some of the health problems. Also since they're not a well known breed or high on the AKC popularity list, getting one didn't mean a wait till beyond the grave or mortgaging the house.

His registered name is Oakwoods Semper Fidelis, and his call name is Gibbs. Yes, a girl would have been Ziva.Grin  If I could remember how to post a picture, I'd do it, but if it means a photo has to be on some photo storage site it won't happen. Maybe I'll change my avatar to his photo.

R H Auslander

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #70 on: June 07, 2021, 03:35:02 AM »
Do post a photo! I'm happy you have found a dog you want, I've always been of the opinion that dogs are in general nicer than we 'two legs'.

In this AO things are different, almost reverse of what you found, many breeders just stopped last summer and fall but now that the plague is receding most are back at it. We were very lucky to run in to this little girl and finding a blue with symmetrical face markings is quite difficult. The general way to get blues is to breed a black/white boy with a blue girl, and even then the chances of a good blue are not that high. Sophia was in a litter of three, a black/white sister and a pure white brother. White collies are almost always put down at birth, they are generally either visibly and/or internally defective. Sophia's brother was white and missing an eye, we helped the breeder find a good home for him and he is alive to this day. Her sister was black/white and she only lived a year before she suddenly passed away.

On our new girl's documents her name, and I don't quite remember all, is something to do with orchid. She will tell us her real name herself when she arrives.

When you click 'reply', in the window at the bottom is 'Attachments and other options', click on that and just follow the simple instructions to upload an image. If I can do it, anyone can.


Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #71 on: June 07, 2021, 04:03:09 AM »
Okay, trying this. Nothing shows in preview.


Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #72 on: June 07, 2021, 04:04:41 AM »
Hmm. That came out kind of distorted. I'll resize another later and see how that does.

R H Auslander

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #73 on: June 07, 2021, 04:09:51 AM »
Distortion or not, he has a good look in his eyes, intelligent and friendly it seems.

Maggie Ann

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #74 on: June 07, 2021, 05:13:35 AM »
Congrats to you both!  :dog1: :dog1:

The following users thanked this post: R H Auslander

R H Auslander

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #75 on: June 07, 2021, 05:24:55 AM »
Her Excellency just translated her documents name. Wild Orchid of Astrhakhan.


Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #76 on: June 07, 2021, 06:10:15 AM »
Her Excellency just translated her documents name. Wild Orchid of Astrhakhan.
Oh, that's a lovely name for a girl.


Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #77 on: June 07, 2021, 06:27:34 AM »
The general way to get blues is to breed a black/white boy with a blue girl, and even then the chances of a good blue are not that high.
That's interesting. I assume blue to blue runs the risk of producing white with the concomitant problems?

Just looking at your picture once again reminds me Albert Payson Terhune's stories, and particularly his collie character Gray Dawn.

It's all interesting. Now that DNA testing can show the dilute gene that produces blue and fawn in breeds like German Pinscher and Doberman, some breeders are deliberately eliminating dogs with the dilute gene from their programs because dogs of those colors tend to have health problems. Nothing as severe as what you say white collies have, but still ... chronic skin problems are what I know of. From looking at websites, not all breeders are doing that but many are.

R H Auslander

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #78 on: June 07, 2021, 04:21:47 PM »
White collies can come from any colour you breed, albeit they are not common. Blues have several minor problems, poor eyesight and breeding difficulties being the two main ones. Collies in general tend to be quite brave, they were bred originally to protect the flocks in Scotland. They will fight and if needs be fight to the death, they are very protective of their two leg families. However, they make poor service dogs, it is easy to train them to attack but the moment they attack they forget what 'Stoi! Stavi!' mean.

Our little stinker is almost to Simferopol, but the fun is going to be transport figuring out the mess at the end of the autobahn in this village, there is huge construction from Presidential Highway all the way to Yalta Ring, so at this time we don't know where we will meet them. Transport will try to take the shortest route but the best way is take the Belbek Aerodrome exit and then down to Inkerman where we will meet them, that way they will avoid the worst of the mess. They will end up going through the convoluted mess of Yalta Ring at any rate, after they deliver our girl they have three to deliver to Yalta.

R H Auslander

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #79 on: June 08, 2021, 02:14:22 AM »
After almost 19 hours on the road, Krista'lyana is home. First thing was a bath, which she loved, then brushed her dry before introducing her to Sophia. Sophia for the first few seconds was 'what is this??', then Lyana cuddled up to Sofik and it was done. Photos tomorrow.


Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #80 on: June 08, 2021, 03:27:51 AM »
I'm glad you got her home and she's settling. I am very, very grateful that my breeder flew Gibbs to Denver in an under-the-seat carrier for me (from Seattle area). That left me only to figure out how to negotiate the airport and link up with her. I haven't been there for 15 years, and it's my sincere wish to get out of this world without ever getting on an airplane again. Looking forward to pics.

R H Auslander

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #81 on: June 08, 2021, 04:06:05 AM »
We figured, having traveled the same route before, that leaving at 22:00 last night should have put the transporter near our gate at roughly 10:00 today. By 13:00 we were worried, not the least of reasons being two man crew in transporter would not answer their phone. In the end all was good.

I agree with you 300% on flying, a pox on the lot of them.

R H Auslander

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #82 on: June 10, 2021, 02:00:34 AM »
No more photos yet, spent all of yesterday and most of today 'puppy proofing' the yard. We won't leave her there alone of course, but she is rather quick and we don't want her getting her head caught between the lateral boards of the fence. That and going all around the walkway around the house to make sure there is nothing Krista can get her inquisitive little nose in. She is very young so she is rather clumsy, ballerina she ain't.


Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #83 on: June 10, 2021, 02:31:49 AM »
I know all about the puppy proofing, and it's amazing the things Gibbs can get into I never thought of. Right now I'm pretty convinced he ate my hearing aids yesterday morning. Fortunately for me they have a 3-year one-time replacement warranty. If he did it, it's my fault for not putting them away in their proper place, but I was tired and started to brush my teeth, realized they were still in, and stuck put them on top of the toilet thinking I'd put them away after and then forgot. That should be too high for him to reach, and I try to keep the bathroom door shut so he can't get in there. When he does, I'm always only a minute or so behind him. So how he could have done it confounds me. And it's hard to believe he'd just swallow them, not chew enough I'd find some remains. But they're gone.

Assuming he did it, they should come through him the same as the twigs and weeds he munches outdoors. And no, I'm not going through you-know-what searching for them.

R H Auslander

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #84 on: June 10, 2021, 06:01:02 AM »
Nature will take it's course, and it is amazing what pets can and will eat with no ill affects. I don't remember any of ours being so ravenous as to eat something that is not food.

R H Auslander

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #85 on: September 18, 2021, 04:22:06 PM »
Finally, amidst all this turmoil in our normally placid domicile I've got some images of Krista. She's pure blue merle top to bottom like her surrogate mother Sophia, and Sofik is busy instilling her strong but kind personality to Krista.

The following users thanked this post: Eric Thomson, djmills

Maggie Ann

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #86 on: September 19, 2021, 12:29:30 AM »

R H Auslander

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #87 on: September 19, 2021, 02:26:23 AM »
Thanks! She's actually Sophia's lineage, just several generations younger albeit sharing grandparents. She's a ball of fire but Sophia and Ye'katarina are both 'working' with her, they are together almost always since birth and each knows what the other will do. Poor Krista gets double teamed half the day by that pair and it is an amazement how suddenly young and active they are, both are well over 10 years and Ye'katarina has problems with her hips, or at least used to. Now she's like a flash when she's after Krista.


Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #88 on: September 19, 2021, 03:47:00 AM »
She's a cutie. Aren't those of us who have adult dogs to help with puppies lucky!

Maggie Ann

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #89 on: September 19, 2021, 03:56:12 AM »
She's a cutie. Aren't those of us who have adult dogs to help with puppies lucky!

I only get adult dogs and I've been lucky so far. Mikey has been taught some weird commands but I've been able to figure them out ... mostly.


Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #90 on: September 19, 2021, 09:21:07 AM »
When I did Rottweiler rescue, I took in some dogs who were so wonderful I couldn't believe anyone gave them up. However, I also took in some that turned out to be dogs I couldn't see ever succeeding in an average pet home. They spent their lives with me as I live in a semi-rural area with a large fenced yard, and there weren't any problems with them having to deal with other people except an occasional vet visit.

One of the several reasons I stopped doing rescue was I didn't want to become one of those old ladies you see on t.v. when the cops and animal control come to take away the way too many dogs. So I stopped before it could get like that. Thirteen was the most I ever had, and that was way too many and didn't last long. My last rescue boy died the February just before the lockdowns started, and I'm down to 2 now, my 6-year-old Rottie Teagan and Gibbs the German Pinscher puppy.

There won't be another puppy for me, and I'm already trying to decide what I'll do when I lose my last Rottie and am down to just Gibbs. I think I'll try to find a GP breeder with a retired show dog they're looking to find an adoptive home for. That would probably be a 3 to 5-year-old.

Maggie Ann

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #91 on: September 19, 2021, 09:57:31 AM »
When I did Rottweiler rescue, I took in some dogs who were so wonderful I couldn't believe anyone gave them up. However, I also took in some that turned out to be dogs I couldn't see ever succeeding in an average pet home. They spent their lives with me as I live in a semi-rural area with a large fenced yard, and there weren't any problems with them having to deal with other people except an occasional vet visit.

One of the several reasons I stopped doing rescue was I didn't want to become one of those old ladies you see on t.v. when the cops and animal control come to take away the way too many dogs. So I stopped before it could get like that. Thirteen was the most I ever had, and that was way too many and didn't last long. My last rescue boy died the February just before the lockdowns started, and I'm down to 2 now, my 6-year-old Rottie Teagan and Gibbs the German Pinscher puppy.

There won't be another puppy for me, and I'm already trying to decide what I'll do when I lose my last Rottie and am down to just Gibbs. I think I'll try to find a GP breeder with a retired show dog they're looking to find an adoptive home for. That would probably be a 3 to 5-year-old.

That was the age group I was going for but ... the best laid plans.

Angelo was a JRT I saw at an adoption event at PetSmart and I just fell in love with him. Too late, I learned he was about nine. After the adoption, they told me that this weekend had been his last chance. I shudder to think of his fate. I had him for six wonderful years. He was very well-trained when I got him.

Mikey on the other hand, was supposedly two when I got him. He was a stray and the vet at the shelter determined he was at least two years old by his teeth. Okay, so that was not that far off of three years old. He was 8 pounds when I got him and so small that I could cuddle him and one arm. Then he started growing and not just putting on weight. He ended up at double the size, both length and height and even weight. I really have come to believe that he was closer to a year old than two years old.



Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #92 on: September 19, 2021, 10:06:11 AM »
Mikey on the other hand, was supposedly two when I got him. He was a stray and the vet at the shelter determined he was at least two years old by his teeth. Okay, so that was not that far off of three years old. He was 8 pounds when I got him and so small that I could cuddle him and one arm. Then he started growing and not just putting on weight. He ended up at double the size, both length and height and even weight. I really have come to believe that he was closer to a year old than two years old.

If he wasn't malnourished when you got him and he grew that much, I'd say he was under a year when you got him. I've never heard of a healthy dog doubling its weight after a year. But at least 16 pounds still isn't huge if you wanted a small dog.

German Pinschers aren't supposed to get larger than 45 pounds, but Gibbs is already that at 6 months. I keep asking his breeder if he's going to be the largest GP in history, and she keeps telling me the largest she ever bred was 52 pounds. Time will tell.

R H Auslander

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #93 on: September 19, 2021, 08:06:20 PM »
Older dogs do tend to help with raising the children, at least ours do. When Plyushya, mother of Aleksandr and Ella, tired of the 'mommy' thing Sophia stepped right in and finished raising them, even producing milk, which is not uncommon. To this day they regard Sofik as their mother and all she has to do if they are misbehaving, and they do from time to time, is give them 'the look' and they are instantly angels. The real giggle is both those youngsters are considerably larger than Sofik, tall, long, lean and muscular whereas Sofik, despite being technically too tall by 5 cm for koli shows, is like a brick wall, solid and muscular but she does not look particularly large.

The problem with our pets is we live longer than they do and losing one is like losing a child because that is what they are, our children.

Maggie Ann

Re: Dogs: From: lockdown thread
« Reply #94 on: September 20, 2021, 12:30:02 AM »
Mikey on the other hand, was supposedly two when I got him. He was a stray and the vet at the shelter determined he was at least two years old by his teeth. Okay, so that was not that far off of three years old. He was 8 pounds when I got him and so small that I could cuddle him and one arm. Then he started growing and not just putting on weight. He ended up at double the size, both length and height and even weight. I really have come to believe that he was closer to a year old than two years old.

If he wasn't malnourished when you got him and he grew that much, I'd say he was under a year when you got him. I've never heard of a healthy dog doubling its weight after a year. But at least 16 pounds still isn't huge if you wanted a small dog.

German Pinschers aren't supposed to get larger than 45 pounds, but Gibbs is already that at 6 months. I keep asking his breeder if he's going to be the largest GP in history, and she keeps telling me the largest she ever bred was 52 pounds. Time will tell.

Thanks for confirming my suspicions about Mikey's age. I just remember how tiny he was when I got him, but he's still small enough that I can handle him and even pick him up to put in the sink.