Author Topic: Thanksgiving Erotica/Erotic Romance Deals Promo Nov. 21-25 Completed!  (Read 3453 times)


Gobble, gobble. It's time for the next promotion. Totally excited a lot of you made the move with me from the other board that won't be named. The theme this time: Thanksgiving and the Holidays. I usually do a Christmas promo near Christmas too, but having Holiday themed stories and Thanksgiving themes works really well for this promo because of Black Friday, which this promo will encompass. Even if you do both promos with the same book, it's all good. It's all about helping each other, linking our titles and helping us get higher in categories for the holidays.

You can have 1-3 titles, and the prices should be either FREE or $0.99. I usually have a free title and/or a title at $0.99. You want to give people a sample to try so they'll go through your catalog. 
**I'm suspending priority listing and fees until the end of the year to build everything up again. I've taken a hit from all the changes with the Zon, and the fact I haven't been publishing a lot of shorts. Though I may go back to priority listings next year, I think just getting as many people involved again and building the erotica community on this board is important. SO, it's a FREE for ALL right now.

***With everyone being taken on, it means I take the first 5 sign-ups for the banner, and the order in the master list is by order of sign up. So the quicker you get on board, the higher on the list you will be.  grint

Here is the info:
Promo Dates: Oct. 26-30 (5 days) It was tough setting the dates. I chose to stick with the Friday launch and ending close to Halloween. If you wanted to go a 6 days, we could. But It would be hard for people in KU since they can only go 5 days. I wanted to include the Friday and the whole weekend before Halloween since sales do well on those days.

Also Need:
1-3 titles
Whether you are doing a FREE or $0.99 deal
Title of Book on sale
Author Pen Name
Genre of Bk
Sale(s) Link to Book

Why promote with other authors?
It is more cost effective. You're not paying a third party website $70. You're sharing the opportunity to have your link go out on fellow erotica author lists, and they are doing the same. Plus, followers on your blog and newsletter will appreciate the deals and love to discover new authors. On my newsletter stats, the erotica deals are still have higher opens than other campaigns.

Everyone that has done these with me before is welcomed back, and new erotica or erotic romance authors, here's your chance to get on board with a promo. I can take up to about 10-12 authors.

Please PM with your info. You can also post you're interested on the thread.

IF you're curious about what a blog post looks like, here is the promo deals post from the 4th of July Promo and the last one, Labor Day Weekend on my blog/website.

Here is the previous Halloween Promo thread. There are stats and results from participants listed.

When the promo starts:
Info is sent out a day before, and then everyone sends out the info list of authors/titles names/links to everyone on their blog list and newsletter list. As the promo runs, track stats for sales and traffic at blog to share on promo thread. It's great to see how everyone is doing.

So, that is how my promo deals run. I've been doing this for over two years now, and I'm trying to not let the KB implosion stop what I've built over the years. Or the Zon for that matter. I'm also looking forward to some erotica writers coming back. So, I can't wait to see who is around to sign up.
Plus, I'm taking erotic romances too. We've probably gone through that horrible recategorizing on the Zon, and I've had most of my catalog banned from AMS ads. So, we can ban together to help each other. 

Here's to a great start to the Holiday season. Let's get people out there filling their kindles and ereaders.

« Last Edit: November 27, 2018, 05:08:47 PM by lyndabelle »


So, it just occured to me that I could set up an Prolificworks giveaway to go along with this. I have started using this service for my free book listings, and if enough of us have links, that would be great. You don't have to, I'm just trying it out for this promo to see how it goes. Plus, I have it open to other authors that might not be on the board. I'll be including this link in the promo for like a summary for all the free deals and for other great deals too. It's just an experiment to see if it is worth it.

I still like having a mixture of KU deals and Wide deals in the Master Links List. But having a prolific works group giveaway going along with this one is a nice idea to try.

Here is the promo link for the Prolificworks Group Giveaway going along with this one:

If you'd like me to add your book this way too, let me know. I will automatically be adding all book titles in the promo using Prolific Works into the group promo. ;-) -Lynda


Getting sign ups for the Prolific Works giveaway. Still need some for the master list for participating authors. Just send me your basic info which is listed above. Looking forward to this. Between the Prolific Giveaway list and the Master Links List, this is shaping up into an awesome promo. -Lynda


Excited to see some of the old gang getting back together for this, and some new authors too. Still have some openings for the master list, and the Prolific Works Giveaway is filling up fast. Wow! I think this is going to be a great experiment to see how combining in a Prolificwork Giveaway with the regular links works. Keep sending me your info in a PM folks. If you can't get a PM to work, just post on this thread. This promo will be during Black Friday, so it should be interesting. -Lynda


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I'm very excited to see how the Prolific Works giveaway works in a shorter time frame. The last group giveaway I participated in gave me my best month of the year, but that giveaway did last the entire month. Here's to getting similar sell-through results from a shorter timeframe!  :smilie_zauber:
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I'm very excited to see how the Prolific Works giveaway works in a shorter time frame. The last group giveaway I participated in gave me my best month of the year, but that giveaway did last the entire month. Here's to getting similar sell-through results from a shorter timeframe!  :smilie_zauber:

That's what I was thinking. I've got spaces for 50 books and with erotica and spicey/hot romances filling it up, it should be a popular giveaway. I've got half the spaces filled already. Adding with the master list of our deals, it should go well.

**Just to point out: You don't need a Prolific Works freebie to do this promo. Having a book in KU listed for Free or $0.99 will work too. There will be a master list of all the deals and then a link to the Prolific Works Giveaway. Still space to sign up!

« Last Edit: November 12, 2018, 05:50:52 PM by lyndabelle »


So, I'm starting last call for this promo, and I'll be putting together the promo banner. Still have some openings, but you've got to hurrah. I'll be putting the master list together and sending out the beginning of next week.


Okay folks. I am finalizing things tonight for the banner and putting together the master list to send out tomorrow. I am happy to say we've got six participating authors and 55 titles in the Prolific Works Giveaway. Wow!  :clap:
I'm pretty happy about the amount of people we've got listing titles. Of course, with a lot of titles, I have noticed sometimes there aren't as many downloads because there is so much choice. But I'm trying it out with a lot this time out, just to see what happens. ;-)
This promo is also running during Black Friday and all Thanksgiving weekend. So, we'll see how it goes. Let's cross our fingers.

I'll even post the banner when it is done. So happy we can share our wonderful covers now!

Here is the list of participating authors:

1)   Lynda Belle
2)   Miranda Birch
3)   Cordova Skye
4)   Colbie Dunbar
5)   T.E. Rainier
6)   Marilyn Vix

If you'd still like to join us, this is the FINAL BELL RINGING! Send me a PM!


I'm posting the general information for participating authors and for those that wish just to see how it all comes about.

I've put a sample blog post on my blog with the banner. Here is the link:

Plus, here is the beautiful banner too. Now that we can post covers on this board. So excited now!

Just let me know if you have any questions, and doing a push on Friday on social media and the last day would be great.
If you have stats later, please let me know. I'd appreciate knowing how the promo does.
And of course, Happy Turkey Day!

Master List for the Thanksgiving/Holiday Deals Promo 2018:

1)   Lynda Belle (Holiday & Ancient Roman Erotica)
I’ll Be Home For Christmas (Holiday Erotica) (FREE)

For The Women Of Rome (Ancient Roman Erotic Romantic Short)($0.99)

For The Women Of Rome 2 (Just Released)($0.99)

2)   Miranda Birch (Femdom Erotica)
Revenge (FREE)

Femdom Tableaux (FREE)

3)   Cordova Sky (Breeding Erotica)
Bulging for the Black Belt (FREE)

4)   Colbie Dunbar (Omega Erotica)
The Omega Harvest Festival

Title: The Alpha Highwayman

5)   T. E. Rainier (F/M Erotica)
Lady Victoria’s: Manual of the Care and Training of Males—Vol. 1 (FREE)

6)   Marilyn Vix (Erotic Romance)
Thankful In Vegas (co-written with Lynda Belle)($0.99)

Love In One Act (Steampunk Erotic Romance)($0.99)

And new with this promo, a new GROUP GIVEAWAY through Prolific Works.
Over 50 erotica and erotic romance titles all gathered together by yours truly as special gifts to start out the Holidays.

(Through Prolific Works, formally Instafreebie)
« Last Edit: November 21, 2018, 02:53:14 PM by lyndabelle »


So, with a first day stat check: I noticed I'm getting a lot of traffic from my newsletter going to my newer authors. So, that's great. Looks like my newsletter group is really digging newer, never before listing authors. So, this is great to know. I would love new authors to join in the future. It seems that the newly added, like I've got 600 names on my list now, are going for the Prolific Works freebies too.

And the stats from the Prolific Works: I've noticed there is a scattered amount of different interests from the 55 titles in the group giveaway. Not sure if it's from the authors and their individual lists or whether it's a taste thing. The Holiday titles in the group list are doing better than regular erotica. ;-) But I figured it's because it's the Holiday season, and that is what people are in the mood for.

So, what other kinds of data are people seeing on the first day?

I'll be enjoying Thanksgiving tomorrow, and expecting it to be slower. But on Friday, I'll look over the stats and see how things go then. I'm planning on adding some Twitter and FB mentions on those days to push it out for Black Friday.

So, participating authors, how is the promo going for you? Did you hit higher on lists? How is your download rate?


So, the promo wrapped yesterday. I have to say, the Prolificworks Group Giveaway did well. It had 55 titles, including some of the participating authors. There were 3,614 downloads of the 55 available titles. I also got 117 additional sign ups to my newsletter list!

For my stats on my newsletter: I sent out the master list to a total of 1600 subscribers. Got lots of downloads for my freebie. Think the final download number on my Christmas short was 173. Had some sales for my $0.99 titles. 10 total, which hopefully with all the downloads, will draw people into the rest of my catalog for purchases. I now have my entire catalog at $0.99. So, I think that is helping, and one of the titles I had listed was brand new after a year hiatus.

So, those are my stats. I am going to probably not do a second promo for Christmas. If anything, it might be better to do an early or mid January promo, maybe to jump start the year and tell people, hey, load up those new ereaders and Kindles. So, the next promo I'll center around the New Year. So, look for a thread in a few weeks with all the info.

**Please, if you participated in this promo, let me know how you did. Send me a PM or post on the thread.  :tup3b

You all have a fabulous Holiday season. I'll see you for the next New Year's promo for 2019.



Re: Thanksgiving Erotica/Erotic Romance Deals Promo Nov. 21-25 Completed!
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2018, 08:07:12 PM »
On 21st November, I duly published the master list on my website and sent out the link as part of my regular newsletter to a total of 370-odd subscribers. Tinyletter tells me that as of today I got:

Total opens 215 Unique opens 149 (39.4%) Total clicks 174 Unique clicks 51 (13.5%)

Those are under-estimates, because some people read their e-mail with image-loading turned off, which as far as I know defeats the tracking.

I can't be bothered typing all the figures in, but there is a pretty picture attached showing sales and freebies for all of this month.  You can see the spike in freebies from the promo pretty clearly -- that's 44 on the 21st and 37 on the 22nd.

The big spike in sales on the 25th is could be accounted for by the two new titles in my mailing list, but who knows, perhaps they are some new readers from the promo among them?

Website visits showed a marked increase too, of course, since that is where my links in the promo led.  Again, see attached.

So, all in all, worth doing I think.

Thanks for the opportunity, Lynda Belle, and I look forward to taking part in future promos.

P.S. I signed up for recently, which is a good idea which could do with more users.



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Re: Thanksgiving Erotica/Erotic Romance Deals Promo Nov. 21-25 Completed!
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2018, 02:44:41 AM »
I gave away 241 copies of my freebie over the course of the promotion. Had 27 sales on Amazon on the 24th, 14 on Black Friday when I sent out my NL, and 18 on the 26th. All of these sales were full price ($2.99), and a good number of them were for the other books in the series I promoted, so I'm very pleased with how the promotion went.

Those numbers don't include my wide storefronts, because I'm lazy, but I have to assume the 17 sales on Kobo on Black Friday were also thanks to the promotion.
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Re: Thanksgiving Erotica/Erotic Romance Deals Promo Nov. 21-25 Completed!
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2018, 04:11:33 PM »
I gave away 241 copies of my freebie over the course of the promotion. Had 27 sales on Amazon on the 24th, 14 on Black Friday when I sent out my NL, and 18 on the 26th. All of these sales were full price ($2.99), and a good number of them were for the other books in the series I promoted, so I'm very pleased with how the promotion went.

Those numbers don't include my wide storefronts, because I'm lazy, but I have to assume the 17 sales on Kobo on Black Friday were also thanks to the promotion.

Great to see these results. I'd say the ProlificWorks Promo added to the main list. So, think I'll try the same combo for the January, Fill Those Readers, New Year's Promo. Will get the thread up and running soon. I'm just dealing with a death in the family right now. So, I'm a bit out of it. So, I'll have things up and running soon. Just on an up and down roller coaster right now. Thank you for the understanding.
I'll be setting up the thread for the next promo probably in a week so it will launch around New Year's. -Lynda