Author Topic: Amazon Paperback and eBook Templates  (Read 1385 times)

Thejendra Sreenivas

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Amazon Paperback and eBook Templates
« on: November 24, 2019, 05:42:36 PM »
Hello Writers,

Good day. Have you written a great book using Microsoft Word and now struggling with headers, footers, section breaks, page numbers, TOC, etc? Don't waste time with those complex MS-Word features. I can provide your professional and minimalist word templates to simply copy-paste your book content into them. Once done you will have a stunning manuscript interior suitable for Amazon Paperback, Kindle, and all eBook specifications.

Sizes - You can choose from three standard paperback sizes - 5x8, 5.5x8.5, and 6x9 inch. My templates are suitable for up to 24 chapters. Plus, there is an eBook word template suitable for Kindle, Apple, Kobo, and other eReaders. The templates also have sample images and the instructions to insert and lock your images in the interiors.

Format your Book - The above are blank templates only. If you don't want to copy-paste your text content (14 MB word file size limit) I can prepare your upload ready manuscript in PDF, KPF, ePub, Mobi, or MS-Word. Files will have clickable TOC, page breaks, images, etc.

Contact me on or

You can also order them on Fiverr if you want -

Thejendra Sreenivas
Author & Life Skills Coach

Author Coach and Publisher of Personal Development Magazine