Author Topic: Experienced Romance Ghostwriter  (Read 918 times)

Max C.

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Experienced Romance Ghostwriter
« on: November 26, 2021, 04:24:17 AM »
Hello, my name is Max and I am an author and ghostwriter.

I've been writing since I was thirteen, and have a few m/m romance novellas published. However, since I started ghostwriting in 2016 it has been my main focus, though I plan to shed some focus on my own books in the future. Ever since I got into ghostwriting, I've worked with several clients and completed more than 100 books, with about half of those being short stories between 8-15k words, and the rest novellas and full-length novels between 30-70k words long, with more than 1 million words ghostwritten. Most of my work comes from repeat clients.

My rate is $0.01/word, and I can complete between 10-20k words in a week depending on how easy your outline is to work with. Contact me for samples of my unpublished work, or you can describe a short scene for me to write up to 1000 words for $10 that I will get back to you in one day. I will receive payment before I write the sample.

Please note that I work with full plots with chapter breakdowns, or the work will take twice as long. I can, however, take your idea and develop it, but the rate will go up to $0.02/word, and I will complete and submit 8-10k words a week for the client to see and make sure we are on the right track.

I need to look through the plot before we can decide on the time limit. I offer unlimited revisions and invite criticisms from the client to make the project the best it can be. I work best when starting fresh on a new book because matching my voice to the client could be easy, or it could be the opposite, but I can still help if you need your book finished or a new sequel in your series.

What I have experience in:

Contemporary romance
Billionaire romance
Sports romance
Apocalyptic romance
Action/suspense romance
M/m romance
Trans/gender-bender romance
F/f romance
Supernatural/paranormal romance (vampire, shifter)
Urban fantasy romance (angels, demons, Nephilim, witch, dragons, others)
Young adult and new adult (not as much as adult romance, but there is some experience there)

I do NOT do erotica, or kink (BDSM, spanking, etc). I write steamy scenes in my books, but I strictly do romance, not erotica.


A contract is not necessary since I never use work I have done for a client for myself (as long as the work is paid for, thus the copyright transferred) but I would be willing to sign a contract, if the client wishes, we just have to agree on the terms. As long as the client is aware that the copyright is still mine until I get paid, even if I wrote from a plot provided by the client. Payment will depend on contract or agreement, and I provide updates of a few chapters at a time every other day, so if at any point the client does not like the work, even with adjustments, they can pay for what has been done so far, and we stop.

Finally, I try to make each work as proofread and complete as I can make it, but I am not an editor.

If interested, email me at (my secondary work email. Payments are made through PayPal to a different email.)