Author Topic: [Masha du Toit] New release for my biopunk science fiction series  (Read 959 times)

Lysmata Debelius

I've just released the final book in my now completed "Linked Worlds" series: The Strange

The series is set in an alternate world Southern Africa. The main character is a ex eco-terrorist who trains cybernetic dogs :)

Book Description for "The Strange":

"Constable Elke Veraart and her cyber-dog Meisje are peace keepers, patrolling the Babylon Eye. It’s a good job, but there must be more to life than chasing smugglers and settling domestic disputes!

Then three children ask Elke to find their mother, who’s been missing for more than a year. The search attracts the wrong kind of attention. Elke and her young friends are in desperate danger.

Unable to resist the powers that have been unleashed against her, Elke is swept out of the Babylon Eye and into another world. While she struggles to regain her freedom, the children are unprotected. They must face, all alone, a new danger that stalks the corridors of the Babylon Eye.

The Strange is the third and final book in the Linked Worlds series.

And to celebrate the fact that the series is now complete, the first two books "The Babylon Eye" and "The Real" are both on sale for 99c each.