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Editors & Proofreaders [Public] / Proofreading - now booking for May
« Last post by Alexa on April 29, 2024, 03:55:12 AM »
I have two open slots in May!
Marketing Loft [Public] / Re: "Reading is so sexy," says Gen Z
« Last post by Hopscotch on April 28, 2024, 05:37:26 AM »
Dare we hope that Gen-Z decides books are “Newtro” enough to be cool?:

The ‘boring phone’: stressed-out gen Z ditch smartphones for dumbphones
Guardian   27 Apr 2024

“…The Boring Phone is part of a new dumbphone boom, built on the suspicion of gen Z towards the data- and attention-harvesting technologies they have grown up with. That suspicion has fuelled reinventions of retro cultural artefacts – a trend known as Newtro – and seen in the revival of vinyl records, cassettes, fanzines, 8-bit video games and old-fashioned mobile phones….”
Quill and Feather Pub [Public] / Re: Article: No one buys books
« Last post by Hopscotch on April 28, 2024, 03:30:14 AM »
Nope, tradpub will never die.  Indie will never die.  Writers sucking up to rich "patrons of the arts" will never die.  Nor will buying their beer and sausage w/an academic salary as they write.  Relative success of each will go up and down.  But all will survive.  We've just got to ride the waves.  Or maybe mix 'em up.   
Quill and Feather Pub [Public] / Re: Article: No one buys books
« Last post by LilyBLily on April 28, 2024, 12:35:09 AM »
PW spotlighted Entangled recently and I was shocked that it has moved from mostly ebook to mostly hardcover with print runs as large as 850,000 copies for Rebecca Yarros's next romantasy. Entangled is feeling quite optimistic and perhaps rightly so; apparently she is a blockbuster author, an outlier who will make everyone involved a fortune.

A prior report on Entangled in March said they're planning on printing 30,000-60,000 copies of their typical hardcovers from other authors, with a $17.99 cover price. Good print numbers, but not earthshaking, and here's why:

Returns are a key measurement of how trad publishing is going. So my question is, what is the current rate of returns for hardcovers? For trade paper? Are they trending up or down? If they're trending up, then we know the trad pub business is on rocky ground--although unlikely to fall apart anytime soon. Historically, when returns trend up, profits go down, and the publisher has to seek other revenue streams to sustain it. Sub rights, usually. Ebooks. Audiobooks. Reasons why trad pub contracts now typically are big rights grabs and an author needs a tough agent to negotiate retaining their rights or getting a fair split with the publisher. Money is still being made, and publishing is still a big gamble. But what is the trend? 
Quill and Feather Pub [Public] / Re: Article: No one buys books
« Last post by Bill Hiatt on April 27, 2024, 11:15:10 PM »
There was quite a bit of discussion of the article and similar items over on Substack. (It may not be immediately obvious, but the article is, in fact, a Substack post. People can use their own domain name on Substack if they want.)

Anyway, I don't recall all of the give-and-take, but the gist was that the quotes in the article don't tell the full story.

Here's a sample of the response.

We all know that trad publishing has its issues, but keep in mind that the publishers quoted were involved in antitrust litigation and eager to make the best case they could for how terrible things are.

Quill and Feather Pub [Public] / Re: Article: No one buys books
« Last post by TimothyEllis on April 27, 2024, 09:59:17 PM »
Interesting breakdown of Trad publishing, and it's worse than I thought.

I think I agree with the conclusion, the Trads are going to die, but not as fast as stated. It's going to be a long slow self strangulation. One that is already well underway.

[Moved this, as it's not really about marketing, but discussing the Trad model.]
Quill and Feather Pub [Public] / Re: Article: No one buys books
« Last post by LilyBLily on April 27, 2024, 01:56:39 PM »
Interesting that the bread-and butter earners for trad pubs are now franchise authors. Still genre, just less trend-driven.
Quill and Feather Pub [Public] / Re: Article: No one buys books
« Last post by Matthew on April 27, 2024, 12:53:33 PM »
Interesting write-up, hadn't heard of The Trial.

This confirms a few things I suspected, mainly, even the big names hardly earn out their advances, and trad pub wants to spend as little on marketing as possible. The second point is why it never interested me. If I have to do all of the work of building up the audience to begin with, what do I need trad pub for?

The rest of the doom and gloom ... I think we could have expected.

So many interesting tidbits copied into that article. Thanks for sharing, it's worth the read.
Quill and Feather Pub [Public] / Re: Article: No one buys books
« Last post by elleoco on April 27, 2024, 07:56:39 AM »
From what I see on reader forums, there are voracious Romance readers determined not to pay anything for their books. They use Libby and other sources like that. At a guess some have no problem with piracy. However, I don't believe "no one" buys books. As a voracious reader myself I have a monthly book budget to keep it under control and do get ebooks from the library and KU, and also use up that book budget every month. There are even a few authors whose overpriced traditionally published ebooks I buy every year rather than wait until I can get them at the library. I also see a lot of posts on those forums by readers who are like me or who do buy hard copies of their books.
Quill and Feather Pub [Public] / Re: Article: No one buys books
« Last post by Post-Crisis D on April 27, 2024, 06:40:20 AM »
I haven't published traditionally, but from what I recall, publishers expected authors to do most of their own marketing.  And authors had to pay out of their own pocket (or advance) for most, if not all, of that.  That would be stuff like traveling to book signings, radio/TV promos/interviews where possible and whatever other means of marketing the author may do.

Even just a few years ago, self-publishing had a stigma despite the number of authors who had historically self-published.  There is no as much of a stigma against self-publishing anymore.  And, more and more people are opting for eBooks and self-published eBooks are pretty much identical to eBooks from big publishing companies.

So, I wonder if the big publishers have effectively experienced a "brain drain" where those authors that were successful at marketing their books just sort of cut out the middleman and newer authors just skipped the middleman entirely, both due to the ease of self-publishing these days and the growing loss of stigma around it.

Which would mean not that people aren't buying books but that people aren't buying very many books from the big publishers.
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